
shipping policy
Customers in the United States get free shipping on their first order when they create an account! Shipping rates on all orders are non-refundable.
shipping info
Orders are typically packed and shipped within 1-2 business days, Mon-Fri. Delivery estimates are in business days and exclude holidays. Orders placed on weekends, during high-volume sales, or on holidays may take longer to process. Rate shown at checkout.
order tracking
Once you place an order, you can track your order using the tracking information you received via email, which can also be found in your account.
Don’t have an account? Track your order by using your email address and order number.
To track your order as a registered user:
- Log into your account or create an account
- Once you're logged in, choose "Order History"
- Click the “track your order” link under the order you’re looking for
To track your order as a guest:
- Go to our tracking site and have your order number handy
- Enter your order number and the email you used for your order, or enter the tracking number
- Click “Track” to see where your order is