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How to Relieve Period Cramps at School

How to relieve period cramps at school

Period cramps can be a real bother when you're at school, making it hard to concentrate on classes or enjoy time with friends. You might worry about managing menstrual pain in the middle of a lesson or finding a discreet way to get relief. The trouble of not having a pain reliever within reach, dealing with painful cramps without a break, and trying to stay comfortable in a school environment can all add to the stress. But don't worry, we’ve got useful tips on how to relieve period cramps at school to help you get through the day!

understanding period cramps

what causes period cramps

First things first, why do these cramps happen? Period cramps, also known as menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea, happen during menstruation when your uterus contracts to help shed its lining. The shedding happens as a normal part of the menstrual cycle when pregnancy does not occur. 

Since the lining is no longer needed, it is shed by the body as menstrual blood. This marks a new menstrual cycle where the lining thickens again in preparation for a potential embryo or baby. While it's normal, period cramps can be a real pain ––– quite literally. The cramps can range from mild to severe and are often felt in your lower belly or back. 

differentiating between normal cramps and when to seek help

So, how do you know if your period cramps are normal? Generally, normal menstrual cramps (primary dysmenorrhea) can be solved with over-the-counter pain relievers and some rest. However, if you experience severe pain that interferes with your normal activities, or if the pain suddenly gets unbearably worse and you can no longer get up or move, it might be time to seek help from a healthcare provider. 

Menstrual conditions like secondary dysmenorrhea, which can be caused by medical issues like uterine fibroids (noncancerous lumps) or pelvic inflammatory disease, may require a doctor's care. Severe menstrual cramps can be a symptom of these conditions and should not be ignored.

ways to help period cramps at school

gentle exercise and stretching to relieve tension

Believe it or not, a little movement can go a long way in easing period cramps. Gentle exercises like walking or stretching can increase blood flow and reduce tension. During a break, try doing some gentle stretches to help lessen the pain. Stretching or even a quick walk around the school can also help relieve pelvic pain that comes along with menstruation.

managing period cramps at school

tips for discreetly managing cramps in class

When cramps hit during class, it's normal not to want to disturb the class and handle things discreetly. Sipping water can help, so keep your water bottle within reach! And if you need a break, don't hesitate to politely ask your teacher if you can step out for a moment. For more practical advice, check out our period tips for school.

carrying a small heat pack or using a warm water bottle for relief

Yes, you can use heat as a lifesaver when it comes to period cramps! Using a heating pad is a common method to alleviate period pain and can be very effective. Carrying a small, portable heat pack or heating pad in your bag can offer quick relief by placing it on your lower belly.  Make sure to check if your school has microwaves where you can warm a heat pack. As an alternative, a warm washcloth can also work in a pinch!

creating a comfortable environment

wearing comfortable clothing and using supportive period products

Comfort is an important factor when you’re trying to relieve period cramps. Make sure to wear loose-fitting clothes that don’t put pressure on your belly so you can feel confident and at ease when moving around. This also makes it easier for you to change your period product or put a heat pack on your belly.

Supportive and convenient period products, like Thinx Teens period underwear, can also help. They provide reliable leakproof protection for up to 12 hours without the hassle of changing period products from time to time. This way, you can focus on your day instead of worrying about leaks! More than its leakproof technology, its comfortable design is one of the best features, as it looks and feels like your normal underwear! For more tips, check out our guide on how to prevent leaking during periods at school.

practicing relaxation techniques to ease discomfort

When your period cramps strike, practicing relaxation techniques can also be incredibly helpful. Deep breathing, meditation, or even listening to your favorite music can take the edge off. If you have a moment for some quiet time, try to find a peaceful spot in the school library or another quiet area so you can relax and focus on your breathing. These simple techniques can help manage symptoms and reduce painful cramping.

Experiencing period cramps at school can be stressful, but with the right strategies, you can manage them effectively. With confidence, a little preparation, and using supportive products like Thinx period underwear, you can get through a day in school with ease, no matter when your period arrives. Explore our range of period underwear, or check out Thinx for All Leaks in case you or someone you know is experiencing bladder leaks. You've got this!


Mayo Clinic. Menstrual cramps - Symptoms and Causes.

Cleveland Clinic. Dysmenorrhea: Menstrual Cramps, Causes & Treatments

MedlinePlus. Period Pain, Menstrual Cramps.
