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Why Would a Period Start Then Stop?

Thinx Periodical Why Would A Period Start Then Stop

If you're a parent or caregiver of a teenager who has recently started their menstrual period, you might have noticed something intriguing — their period starts, and then suddenly stops. So, if you are wondering “why has my daughter started her period then stopped,” don’t worry; you're not alone. Many parents encounter this situation. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the fascinating world of the teenage menstrual cycle and explore the reasons why periods might start and then stop. 

Note: Although the term “daughter” is used throughout the article, we aim to assist you in navigating the irregularities of your child's menstrual period, no matter their gender identity.

understanding menstrual irregularities in teenagers

To fully comprehend the sudden start-stop nature of a period, it is helpful to have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of the menstrual cycle. Puberty marks a significant milestone for young teens as their body undergoes remarkable hormonal changes that trigger the onset of menstruation. The menstrual cycle, a complex interplay of hormones, prepares the body for potential pregnancy each month.

Nevertheless, menstrual cycles for teenagers can be quite unpredictable. It is quite common for irregularities to occur during the first few years after menarche, which is the onset of the first menstrual period, however, these variations tend to stabilize over time.

Be aware of these natural fluctuations in menstrual patterns. The teenage body is undergoing a myriad of changes, and it takes time for hormonal rhythms to find their harmonious balance. While witnessing menstrual bleeding or period starting and then suddenly stopping can be disconcerting, it is often part of the normal developmental process.

Supporting teenagers in understanding their bodies will undoubtedly contribute to their overall well-being and self-assurance.

unraveling the causes

  • hormonal fluctuations

One of the primary factors contributing to the occurrence of periods starting and then stopping is the delicate balance of hormones during adolescence. Hormonal fluctuations can lead to irregular periods as the body undergoes significant changes. Specifically, variations in estrogen and progesterone levels can affect the timing and duration of the menstrual cycle. 

It's important to note that during puberty, it is quite normal for a teenager's body to take some time to establish a consistent pattern of menstruation. As a result, it is not uncommon for periods to start and stop for a few cycles before becoming more regular.

  • stress and its impact on teenage periods

Stress plays a significant role in influencing menstrual regularity during adolescence. The teenage years can be challenging, with academic pressures, social interactions, and other life changes contributing to heightened stress levels in young teens.

When the body experiences stress, it can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance required for a regular menstrual cycle. As a result, irregular periods may occur. To support their child during stressful times, parents should foster open communication and encourage the expression of feelings and experiences.

  • nourishing the body

Maintaining a balanced diet helps promote regular menstrual cycles in teenagers. Nutritional deficiencies or poor eating habits can have an impact on hormone production, potentially leading to irregular periods.

To enhance overall health and menstrual well-being, encourage your child to consume a variety of nutrient-rich foods. A diet that supports hormonal balance can contribute to a more regular and consistent menstrual cycle.

when to consult healthcare professionals

As a parent, it's natural to be concerned about your child's health. If their period irregularities persist, or if they experience other worrisome symptoms, consider seeking medical advice. A healthcare professional can help determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate guidance and treatment if necessary. In some cases, birth control to regulate periods may be recommended by a doctor to help manage hormonal imbalances and promote a more regular menstrual cycle. 

supporting teenagers: tips for navigating uncertainty

Supporting your child during this time in their life is important. Here are some practical tips to help them confidently navigate through the uncertainty that may accompany their menstrual experiences:

1. foster open communication: Encourage a culture of open and honest communication surrounding their menstrual experiences. Make sure they know that it's completely normal to have concerns or questions and that you are there to provide support and understanding.

2. stress management matters: Adolescence can be a time of heightened stress, and it can impact menstrual health. Help them explore stress-reduction techniques, such as engaging in activities they enjoy, spending quality time with friends and family, or practicing mindfulness exercises.

3. prioritize self-care: Remind them of the significance of self-care and well-being. Encourage them to establish healthy habits, such as adequate sleep, regular physical exercise, and a balanced, nutritious diet. These lifestyle choices can positively influence their overall health, including their menstrual cycle.

4. empower with knowledge: Arm them with accurate and comprehensive information about menstrual health and hygiene. Empowering them to understand their body and menstrual cycle will give them the confidence to make informed decisions about their health.

As a parent or caregiver, your support and guidance can make a difference in your child's well-being during this transformative time. By fostering open communication, helping them manage stress, promoting self-care, and empowering them with knowledge, you can provide them with the tools they need to navigate their menstrual journey with confidence. 

Remember, every individual's experience is unique. Remember to adapt your approach to best suit your child's needs and preferences. 

preventing future menstrual irregularities

During adolescence, it's not uncommon for young teens to experience some irregularities in their menstrual cycles. While this is a normal part of the maturation process, there are certain lifestyle changes that can help promote more regular menstrual cycles and overall menstrual well-being. As a parent or caregiver, you can support your child in making these positive changes to ensure their reproductive health is on track. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. promote regular physical activity for menstrual regulation

Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for overall health but can also help regulate menstrual cycles. Engaging in moderate exercise, such as walking, cycling, or dancing, can positively influence hormone production and reduce stress levels.

However, balance is key. Intense exercise or excessive training can sometimes lead to menstrual irregularities. Encourage your child to find physical activities that they enjoy and can incorporate into their routine without excessive strain. A healthy combination of physical activity and relaxation can contribute to a more regular menstrual cycle.

2. stress management matters

Adolescence can be a time of heightened stress, and it can impact menstrual health. Help them explore stress-reduction techniques, such as engaging in activities they enjoy, spending quality time with friends and family, or practicing mindfulness exercises.

3. prioritize a consistent sleep schedule

Adequate sleep is a cornerstone of overall health and plays a significant role in menstrual well-being. Encourage your child to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night. Quality sleep is necessary for hormone regulation, cellular repair, and overall physical and mental well-being.

Establishing a bedtime routine can be helpful, such as limiting screen time before bed and creating a calming environment in their bedroom. Consistent and restful sleep can positively impact menstrual health and contribute to regular cycles.

4. prepare with Thinx

Introduce them to period underwear for teens. Thinx Teens is designed specifically for early and first periods. With its reliable leak protection and comfortable design, Thinx Teens provides the confidence and convenience they need during this time. 

Since our teens underwear looks and feels like regular underwear, they can wear them any time. Ensuring they have the right period products will help them feel prepared and at ease throughout their menstrual journey.

Hormonal fluctuations, stress, and lifestyle factors can all contribute to the start-stop nature of periods. It's entirely normal for a teenager's menstrual cycle to be irregular during the first few years after menarche. As a parent, it's important to provide support, encourage open communication, and empower your child with knowledge about their body.

Every young teenager's experience is unique, and irregularities are often a natural part of the journey. However, if you have concerns or notice persistent irregularities, don't hesitate to seek medical advice for a thorough evaluation. Together, we can ensure that children grow up feeling informed, empowered, and confident in their menstrual health. 

At Thinx, we strive to provide our readers with the most up-to-date, objective, and research-based information. Our content is crafted by experienced contributors who ground their work in research and data. Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked within the text or listed at the bottom to lead readers to the original source.


Kids Health. Understanding Irregular Periods in Teens. 

GoodRx. How Does Stress Affect Your Period? 

Healthline. Irregular Periods: 8 At-Home Remedies.
