
Handling Your Period on a Road Trip

illustration of a photo of the canvas alongside a road

Have you ever been excited about a road trip only to realize that your period is coming along for the ride? Don't worry — we know the feeling. Managing your menstruation on a road trip can be tricky and stressful. You might worry about being able to find bathrooms in the middle of nowhere, dealing with period pain or cramps while sitting for hours, or just feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious. But with a bit of preparation and some handy travel tips, you can make your journey smooth and enjoyable, even while having your period. 

can road trips affect your period? 

Can a road trip delay your period? Well, contrary to popular belief, traveling doesn’t directly affect or delay your period. However, factors like stress, changes in routine, and physical inactivity while sitting for extended periods can influence how your body functions.

Stress, for instance, can cause menstrual changes. When your body is stressed, it releases cortisol, which can temporarily result in a hormonal imbalance, specifically with your reproductive hormones, like estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal changes lead to  changes in your period flow and are a common cause of delayed and irregular periods. 

While road trips don’t cause missed or irregular periods, prolonged sitting can impact circulation and intensify your menstrual cramps and discomfort. Additionally, changes in diet and hydration practices while traveling can also influence your menstrual cycle.  

tips for planning ahead 

Planning ahead is useful and beneficial, especially when you know that your period should  show up during your road trip. It is helpful to check your menstrual cycle calendar in advance, or use a period tracker so you can make a note of potential period dates. This way, you won’t be caught off guard when your period decides to join the ride. 

packing essentials 

When it comes to packing, you’ll want to bring items to help keep you comfortable. Here's what you'll need to pack for your period: 

  • menstrual products - Stock up on your preferred menstrual products like period underwear, tampons, pads, or menstrual cups.  
  • spare clothes - Don’t forget to bring comfortable clothes. Pack some cozy fits and extra underwear in case of leaks or accidents. This will also help to keep you feeling at ease.  
  • period kit - Include wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and your preferred items for pain relief, such as pain relievers or heating pads. 
  • healthy snacks - Keep a stash of healthy and hydrating snacks, like fruit, to maintain your energy levels and hormonal balance.  

managing your period comfortably on a road trip 

benefits of using Thinx  

Thinx period underwear can be a game-changer for going on road trips. These useful period products offer excellent leak protection and comfort, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the ride without constantly worrying about bathroom stops. Designed to be super absorbent, the newest styles from Thinx can help handle anything from a light day to a heavy flow for up to 12 hours.  

We know that seeing is believing, so check out the actual 12-hour period road trip vlog that we created to put our period underwear to the test!  

enjoying your road trip despite your period 

exercises and stretches 

Does exercise help with period cramps? Yes! Taking regular breaks to stretch and doing a few light exercises can help reduce discomfort. Simple stretches for your legs and back can improve blood circulation and reduce period cramps. Plus, it’s a great excuse to explore beautiful rest stops! 

embracing self-care 

Practicing self-care is your best friend during a long road trip. Embrace relaxation techniques like deep breathing, getting some sleep, or listening to some calming music to keep your stress levels down.  

fun activities and distractions 

Don’t let your period steal the show. Participate in fun activities and sightseeing to distract yourself from the discomfort. Whether it’s stopping at quirky roadside attractions, playing car games, or enjoying a picnic with a view, try to keep your spirits high and your mind off the cramps. 

ready to hit the road? 

Handling your period on a road trip doesn’t have to be stressful. With a bit of preparation, the right period products like Thinx period underwear, and some self-care, you can enjoy your adventure without letting your menstrual cycle slow you down.  

Now you're all set. Pack your bags, hit the road, and have a fantastic trip! 


Ovum Hospitals. Dealing with period pain while traveling: Tips for comfort on the go.  

National Center for Biotechnology Information. The role of water intake in the severity of pain and menstrual distress among females suffering from primary dysmenorrhea: a semi-experimental study. 

Mayo Clinic. Stress Management, Stress Relief. 

Health. Travel affecting your period. 
