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The Parent’s Period Prep Guide

The Parent’s Period Prep Guide blog

Note: Throughout this piece, the term "daughter" is used to represent a shared experience; However, this guide aims to assist you in navigating your child's period, no matter their gender identity.

Period talk can be equally as challenging for parents as it is for your children. You might be worried about saying the wrong thing and that you won’t be able to answer all their questions about puberty, or you might simply be emotionally overwhelmed. This can feel like as big of a moment for you as it is for your child! Your daughter’s first period means your little one is officially making the transition from a child into a young woman. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few tips to help you emotionally and mentally prepare to help your daughter with her period

1) Get informed. Take the time to educate yourself about periods and women's health. Check out a book. Explore some articles. Watch an educational video about hormones and period symptoms on YouTube. The more you know about the menstrual cycle, the more empowered and confident you’ll feel. As a starting point, there’s plenty of information available right here on Thinx’s periodical!

2) Reflect on your own experiences. Think about your first period, if you had one, and the conversation you had with your caregivers. Were they empathetic and loving? Or did they tell you to talk to your friends about it instead (or not to talk about it all!)? Reflect on how that made you feel and what you could take from that experience into this one with your child. Maybe you have a story you could share to make them feel less alone. If you have never experienced a menstrual cycle, perhaps someone you love has: a sibling, a parent, a friend. 

3) Utilize your community. There’s a good chance a trusted person in your circle of friends, family, and peers has been in the exact same position as you. If they’re open to it, ask them about their experience talking to their child about periods. What from their conversation worked? What didn’t work? Is there anything they’d do differently if they could do it again?

4) Prepare ahead of time. Don’t wait until your child comes home from school one day and breaks the news that they got their first period. Educate them on how to use period products and buy them period underwear. The average age of a child’s first period is 12, but early puberty is not uncommon. Your daughter's first period can occur anytime between the ages of 10 to 15. Pay attention to other signs that their period may be on the way too, including: mood changes, body changes like growth spurts or breast development, and oily skin and breakouts. 

Check out our educational video hub on YouTube to learn more from experts like Dr. Bala, a Naturopathic Doctor and Thinx Partner specializing in women's hormonal health, and join our mission to empower all who pee and bleed with shame-free body literacy education. 

The information contained in this article should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your health care professional.

